What are Phobias ?

A phobia is a strong, irrational fear of situations, objects, activities,
or persons. The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive, unreasonable
desire to avoid the feared subject.
When faced with their feared situation or object people suffering a phobia
have symptoms of severe anxiety. As a result they will often go to any
length to avoid coming into contact with, or getting into a situation that,
might trigger their involuntary reaction.
When the fear is beyond one's control, or if the fear is interfering with
daily life, then it has become an anxiety issue.
Common phobias include fears of animals, social events, crowds or heights.
Phobias can and do cause considerable disruption to daily life and their
effects can last a lifetime, which is why treatment is critical.
Psychologists who study phobias often suggest that people with phobias
have developed them through unpleasant experiences in childhood, but this
is not always true. Some phobias occur later in life; especially those
triggered by stressful events and are often a form of post traumatic stress
Apart from being stressful, phobias can cause severe disruption to family
and often working life. Fear of driving on busy roads might limit your
choice of career or jobs for example and a fear of flying, which is extremely
common, limits your choice of amongst other things, holiday destinations.
Whilst initially just inconvenient, in the long term these simple phobias
can lead to marital or social problems and bring on stress and other more
acute challenges.
Perhaps one of the greatest challenges for someone suffering from the grips
of a phobia is the feeling of helplessness in getting any form of treatment.
People know only too well that the usual advice is to use self help - personal
motivation to expose themselves to the fear and learn to tolerate the anxiety.
But if they could do this easily, they would not have the phobia in the
first place!
Your doctor might recommend cognitive behavioural therapy which is excellent;
however part of this therapy is again exposure to the feared object or
situation. In fact exposure is a therapy in itself; exposure therapy involves
confronting the fear head on.
Counselling, medication, relaxation and hypnosis are also very popular,
however a combination of TFT and NLP together with visualisation as used
in Quantum Field Therapy © (QFT ©) is by far the best as it does
not involve confronting the phobia until after you are cured and then only
to prove to yourself that the phobia has gone.
The brain has amazing power and after many years of living with a phobia,
the brain will sometimes not allow you to believe that you are cured even
when you are! Time and time again we have experienced this phenomenon with
phobias as diverse as the fear of rat poison to the fear of open spaces.
What makes it especially difficult for the brain to accept that the phobia
is gone, is the speed at which the transformation takes place.
Using QFT© your phobia will disappear in less
than two hours and sometimes in only a couple of minutes and this is difficult
for the brain to accept. In fact you are probably having difficulty right now
with this assertion and saying to yourself, “you won’t be able
to get rid of my phobia in two hours,” which rather proves the point!
View case studies from clients who have been cured of phobias.
How can BeOnForm be of service?
Each phobia is different, for example your fear of flying, might really be a fear of ‘lack of control’ or of ‘claustrophobia,’ so in the first instance exact identification of the fear is essential. Once that is established a blend of the QFT © techniques will ensure rapid removal of your phobia.Quantum Field Therapy © (QFT ©) a unique blend of Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Reiki, Guided Visualisation / Journey Therapy, Regression Therapy, Meditation, Alpha Access, Use of Meta language, Mind Calming and Applied kinesiology (AK), developed and practised by BeOnForm has proven over and over again to be superior to any single treatment when tailored to each individual case.
What can I expect from treatment?
During your initial consultation a BeOnForm practitioner will discuss and agree with you, the treatment options available to you, before, with your consent, proceeding with therapy. This consultation / Treatment session will last for 2 hours, most clients typically requiring only one or two sessions...The time to take action is now, contact us today