The good news is that your past or present relationship challenges needn't affect your future happiness; BeOnForm's revolutionary therapy is the fast way tofeel great and find the happiness you deserve.
“Counselling just wasn’t working and our marriage was on the rocks,
then we found BeOnForm!” Nadia and Hugh, High Wycombe

Getting rid of your emotional baggage is easy, our methods have had massive coverage on television recently. Satellite and terrestrial networks (UKTV Style, Sky 1 and GMTV) have been keen to highlight the phenomenal success of this technological breakthrough, because it is making such a positive impact in people’s lives.
Now you too can gain access to the methods, which were once the secret of the wealthy (the techniques we use were closely guarded, when they were first discovered). Film stars and celebrities have been able to access this technology for years and have paid massive amounts of money for the privilege. Now you too can benefit from, techniques which work like magic and for a fraction of the cost.
There is no need to go through life finding constant pain; your future will be one of happiness now that you have found BeOnForm. contact us today and live the life you deserve. You'll feel fantastic, contented and grateful to have been given the opportunity to get the life you desire.
Why do I feel the way I do?
Love is perhaps the most basic of human driving forces, it is a need we all have even as little children. For this reason a break-up in a relationship can be devastating, someone has withdrawn their love for us and this leaves a hole.Often we feel a lack of self esteem, as hurtful things are often said as part of the break up process. Even though lacking in substance, being told that we are fat, no longer so attractive, stupid or ugly leaves a scar that can eat away at our very core.
The universe seems to have an unwritten law, which says “this is your challenge, deal with it now, or it will come back again and again.” We often find ourselves in the same situation over and over:
- Are you feeling pain from a broken relationship, for the umpteenth time and feel incapable or unworthy of finding a kind and loving partner?
- Are you one of the many who crave love, but end up being taken advantage of by the partner that is dominated by an urge for sex without intimacy?
- Is a lack of libido (sex drive) causing problems in your relationship?
- Were you told or lead to believe that 'sex is dirty or bad’ when you were a child?
- Did you suffer sexual abuse as a child or have been subjected to rape?
- Do you suffer from Vaginismus, Menhoragia, Body Dismorphia or Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?
All these and many more are sadly common issues that we at BeOnForm confront on an almost daily basis. BeOnForm are able to help, quickly effectively and importantly discretely.
What Can I Expect from a 'Personal Treatment'?
We are all individuals. Each client’s needs are unique to them.That’s why BeOnForm Practitioners are more than happy to discuss your particular needs and work with you to choose the most appropriate therapy.
During your initial consultation your BeOnForm practitioner will talk you through the best treatment options. A treatment session will last for two hours, most clients typically requiring only one or two sessions.
What Kinds of Therapies do you Use at BeOnForm?
We use a holistic approach and specialise in a wide range of complementary therapies.View more details about our treatment methods