Course Overview

The two 1 day modules can be studied independently or combined into a 2 day intensive training. The modules available are:
- Advanced Algorithm Practice - Dealing with Toxicity…..and
- Dealing with Complex Cases
Successful completion of two workshop days will qualify you for ‘full membership’ of the British Thought Field Therapy Association (BTFTA) and inclusion on the practitioner page on the BTFTA website.
As the BTFTA is the representative body for TFT in the UK in the National Health Service Trust Association’s (NHSTA) Register of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners, full membership of the BTFTA, entitles you to apply to the NHSTA for listing in this register. Whilst referrals from GP’s cannot be guaranteed, as local NHS Trusts make their own decisions, the register is available to all GP’s both online and in hard copy format. At the very least, if accepted by the NHSTA, you will be part of a very well recognised directory that you can mention in your own promotional material and help your standing as a therapist.
Attendance at any of the workshops is an option for existing practitioners as part of their continuing professional development.
How Will I Benefit?
These are just some of the benefits you can expect:- Increase treatment success rate to above 90%
- Individual energy toxin identification techniques
- A deeper understanding of psychological reversal
- Understanding of layers
- Techniques for complex cases
- Free BTFA website listing as approved algorithm practitioner
Programme of Study
Advanced Algorithm Practice - Dealing with Toxicity
This workshop looks at how toxins affect the way people behave, their identification and their impact on TFT treatment.We are all familiar with the effects of specific E numbered additives on certain children, but how many of us are aware of the effects of; for instance, plug in air fresheners on some adults? Many of the severe cases you will deal with such as agoraphobia and severe panic attacks are often exacerbated by Individual Energy Toxins (IET’s), which can be as simple as fumes from a scented washing powder, to something as obscure as an oil painting hanging on the wall!
This training teaches you how to identify these toxins and explains simple
precautions you should take to enable positive toxin testing. At this workshop,
you will learn a treatment protocol which temporarily neutralises the effect
of IET’s and gives you valuable time to obtain a successful treatment.
training then takes a detailed look at Psychological Reversal (PR) and its
role in Toxin Activity, which then leads into a discussion of the deeper
more complicated PR situations, Collar Bone Breathing and Chakra testing.
Using TFT with Difficult and Complex Cases
After a quick revue of the basic algorithms and investigating what makes a complicated case, we discuss the techniques required in overcoming mental blocks and low self esteem, often at the core of more complex cases.We explore the concept of layers and discuss identifying the point of focus through listening, questioning and observing, before looking at treating very complex cases by wiping away each layer in a structured progressive manner.
What Can I Expect ?
After completion of this training course, delegates will be able to use muscle testing to identify psychological reversal and individual energy toxins. Used alongside Algorithms, this will take treatment success rates to above 90% and allow successful management of the majority of Trauma, OCD, Agoraphobia, Depression and Migraines cases.Toxin identification is a fascinating subject, as individual energy toxins are issue specific and often unsuspected. Part of this course is practicing toxin identification with other delegates and some really bizarre toxins are often identified in these sessions, making learning fun.
As well as professional tuition and advice, we will provide you with course papers together with writing materials for your own note taking. Delegates undertaking both modules will receive copies of ‘Thought Field Therapy – Clinical Applications – Integrating TFT in Psychotherapy’ by Suzanne M. Connolly and ‘The MSM Miracle’ by Dr Earl Mindell together with the Callahan Technique Sensitivity, Toxin pack (value $200).
Upon conclusion of the training you will receive a BTFTA Approved TFT Algorithm
Practitioners Certificate and a free website listing on the BTFTA site as
an Approved TFT Algorithm Practitioner.
As with all BeOnForm training courses, we offer continuing support as part
of our service.
As TFT is a very interactive therapy, so is this dynamic training course,
which typically starts at around 9 am and concludes between 4:00pm and 4:30pm
each day. The approach adopted in both theoretical and practical aspects of
this course makes for great fun and as the class size is limited, members
of our staff are able to give you personal advice and answer any questions
you might have as they arise.
Contact Us
Simply find the course that’s right for you in the table of available dates and click on ‘Reserve now’.Or contact us for further information
Free Training
Why not organise a training course at a venue and on dates of your choice (subject to availability)? A minimum number of five trainees are required and for each five confirmed places a sixth place will be provided free-of-charge.Please contact us for further information.