Meditation has been used for centuries as a means of stilling mental chatter and focusing the mind. By turning our attention inward we not only increase our own self awareness, but are able to use our new found understanding of ourselves to help our relationships with others.
In the system BeOnForm use, the principles of the Indian sage Patanjali, light exercise and stretching coupled with controlled breathing relieves tension and stress allowing the inner work to promote healing at a deeper level.

Meditative techniques can be taught by BeOnForm practitioners as part of your therapy. Once learned meditation can become part of your daily life too.
Forget the lists of ailments found on other pages, i.e.
Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Love Pain, Sexuality Issues, Phobias, Addiction, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Physical and Sexual abuse, Obsessions, Guilt, Shame, Embarrassment, Envy, Anger, Rage, Fear etc.
Meditation can be used for EVERYTHING!
BeOnForm recommend that Meditation be used in conjunction with other treatment types such as Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Reiki, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Guided Visualisation / Journey Therapy, Regression, Alpha Access, Use of Meta language, Mind Calming and Applied kinesiology (AK).
Quantum Field Therapy © (QFT ©) a unique blend of the above therapies, developed and practised by BeOnForm has proven over and over again to be superior to any single treatment and is tailored to each individual case.
Please contact us to book your appointment and mention that you would like to learn meditative techniques.