About Us - Codes of Professional Practice

1. Insurance

BeOnForm practitioners must be adequately insured to practice. The insurance policy must state provision for public liability and public indemnity, as well as provision for professional treatments. The BeOnForm company insurance policy will additionally include employee liability cover for company employees.

2. Clear Contracts

Before treatment, BeOnForm Practitioners must explain fully, either in writing or verbally, all the procedures involved in the treatment including such matters as client records, likely content and length of consultations, likely number of consultations, and fees, etc. It is not possible to guarantee the outcome of any course of treatment, therefore the terms on which it is offered, will be stated clearly before the first session of treatment, with subsequent revisions being agreed in advance of any change.

BeOnForm Practitioners will never and must never claim to ‘cure’.

BeOnForm Practitioners must act with consideration concerning fees and justification for treatment. BeOnForm Practitioners will never recommend a treatment session that is not justified.

BeOnForm Practitioners will always and must always respect the client’s right to refuse treatment or disregard advice.

BeOnForm Practitioners retain the right to refuse or postpone treating a client should the practitioner believe the treatment to be inappropriate. The BeOnForm Practitioner should make it clear to the client why they are refusing or postponing treatment, e.g.,

  • if the client is under the influence of alcohol or mind-altering substances;
  • if the client is intimidating or offensive, in a physical or sexual manner, or otherwise;

if the client behaves in any way which may lead the BeOnForm Practitioner to feel physically unsafe, disrespected, or abused;

In the case of late attendance of the client, the BeOnForm Practitioner may exercise discretion in refusing treatment;

A copy of the Codes of Professional Practice will be available to the client on request.

BeOnForm Practitioners must not use titles or descriptions to give the impression of medical, or other qualifications unless they possess them and must make it clear to their clients that they are not doctors and do not purport to have their knowledge or skills.

Certificates and other qualifications shall be displayed or be made available by the BeOnForm Practitioner.

3. Empowerment of the client

BeOnForm Practitioners will be empathic, supportive and positive, thus encouraging uplift in the client’s mental outlook, and a belief in a progression towards good health practices. It is the client’s prerogative to make their own choices with regard to their health, lifestyle and finances.

BeOnForm Practitioners must not countermand instructions or prescriptions given by a doctor. BeOnForm Practitioners must not advise a particular course of medical treatment, such as to undergo an operation or to take specific drugs. It must be left to the client to make his/her own decision in the light of medical advice.

BeOnForm Practitioners should refrain from making judgements upon the choices made by clients, and the way in which clients choose to conduct their lives.

4. Client Assessment

BeOnForm Practitioners must never give a medical diagnosis to a client in any circumstances, this being the responsibility of a registered medical practitioner.

BeOnForm does not take the place of conventional medical treatment.

The BeOnForm Practitioner will make a base-line assessment during the first treatment and discuss appropriate aftercare.

All clients must be asked what medical advice they have received. If appropriate they should be advised to consult their GP if they have not already done so. Since it is legal to refuse medical treatment, no client can be forced to consult a doctor. A BeOnForm Practitioner may suggest that it would be advisable to seek an allopathic diagnosis but should not attach a medical name to the perceived condition.

A client should be advised not to discontinue prescribed medication without consulting their doctor.

All advice must be recorded for the BeOnForm Practitioner’s protection.

5. Confidentiality

BeOnForm Practitioners, their assistants and receptionists have an implicit duty to keep all information relating to attendance, records and views formed about clients, entirely confidential. No disclosure may be made to a third party, including any member of the client’s own family, without the client’s consent unless it is required by due process of the law, whether that be Statute, Statutory instrument, order of any court of competent jurisdiction or however otherwise.

BeOnForm Practitioners must ensure that they comply with the Data Protection Act.

BeOnForm Practitioners who sell or otherwise transfer their interest in a practice must inform all their clients of the change and give the name of the BeOnForm Practitioner who has taken over. No information on a client shall be provided to the incoming BeOnForm Practitioner without the permission of the client.

If a BeOnForm Practitioner believes that there is a risk of self-harm by an individual, the confidentiality guidelines are overridden.

If a BeOnForm Practitioner believes an individual intends to harm or abuse a child, or learns of any terrorist activity then the confidentiality guidelines are overridden. The BeOnForm Practitioner is obliged by law to report this to the appropriate authorities.

6. Client’s Records

BeOnForm Practitioners must ensure they keep clear and comprehensive records of their treatments including dates and advice given. These records should be factual and avoid opinion. This is especially important for the defence of any negligence actions as well as for efficient and careful practice.

Records are to be kept in safe custody for seven years from the time of the last consultation.

BeOnForm Practitioners should arrange for the correct disposal of case records in the event of their death.

7. Personal Relationships – Boundaries

The relationship between the BeOnForm Practitioner and client should be of the highest professional standard. Due diligence of care, skill and integrity should be demonstrated at all times.

BeOnForm Practitioners must not exploit their clients financially, sexually, emotionally or in any other way. The Practitioner will not undertake any form of sexual activity with a client in their care or with a student in their tutelage or supervision. BeOnForm requires that the Practitioner formally ends the therapeutic or educational relationship before starting a sexual relationship.

BeOnForm Practitioners must not request the removal of clothing except for coat and footwear.

BeOnForm Practitioners shall be without judgement concerning race, colour, creed, gender or sexual orientation.

8. Responsibilities to Self

BeOnForm Practitioners shall recognise the value of self-treatment and also receiving treatment from another, as part of their continuing self-development.

BeOnForm Practitioners have a responsibility to themselves to maintain their own effectiveness. They are expected to monitor their own personal functioning and to seek help and/or withdraw from giving treatments when their personal resources are sufficiently depleted to require this through personal or emotional difficulties, illness, disability, alcohol, any mind altering substances or for any other reason.

BeOnForm Practitioners must take all reasonable steps to monitor, develop and advance their professional competence, and to work within that capacity. Professional development may include in-service training, supervision, counselling, research and other consultative support.

A BeOnForm Practitioner shall be aware of their own professional limitations and refer a client elsewhere when the need demands.

9. Responsibilities to Others

BeOnForm Practitioners shall seek a good relationship and work in a co-operative manner with other healthcare professionals, recognise and respect their particular contribution within the healthcare team, irrespective of whether they perform an allopathic or complementary base. BeOnForm Practitioners will not undermine a client’s faith in any other form of treatment and shall respect and support the client’s choices.

BeOnForm Practitioners will encourage understanding of Quantum Field Therapy within other fields and modalities within the healthcare sector.

BeOnForm Practitioners shall at all times conduct themselves with due diligence in their relations with all people whilst conducting their professional practice.

BeOnForm Practitioners must not attend women in childbirth or treat them for 10 days thereafter unless they hold an appropriate qualification in midwifery or unless the client, in consultation with a practising midwife or a Registered Medical Practitioner requests their services.

10. Soliciting of Clients

BeOnForm Practitioners shall not encourage clients away from other professional colleagues.

11. BeOnForm in Hospitals

The hospital is responsible for the patient. BeOnForm Practitioners may only treat patients in hospitals with permission from the patient and the hospital authority including the ward charge nurse.

BeOnForm Practitioners shall not wear clothing which gives the impression that they are a staff member of the hospital. They may however have some form of identification such as a lapel badge.

Where permission is given to provide treatment on the ward, this must be carried out without fuss or interruption to other patients and staff.

If other patients request treatment, the permission of the ward charge nurse, nursing officer (and if relevant, the patient’s doctor) must first be obtained. BeOnForm Practitioners must never undermine the patient’s faith in hospital treatment or regime.

Where credentials are requested, BeOnForm Practitioners must provide their current professional body membership cards and permission to visit.

These are the guidelines set down by the British Complementary Medicine Association.

12. Premises

All BeOnForm Practitioners shall ensure that their working conditions are suitable for the practice of their therapy.

13. BeOnForm Code of Disciplinary Procedures

BeOnForm Practitioners will follow and abide by decisions made under the disciplinary procedures of the CMA (Complementary Medical Association). The primary concern of BeOnForm shall be to protect the public and to uphold the reputation of the organisation and its members.

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